signature postpartum course

Nourishing The New Mother​


What's Included:


Postpartum Signature Course

More on the Course​

We put so much emphasis on preparing for pregnancy and labor that often we can forget about the incredibly raw period that is the postpartum. In many cultures around the world the early postpartum period is a critical time of rest and healing for the new mother as she connects with her baby, and is supported by other women in her community with nourishing foods to aid in healing and reenergizing.

Unfortunately, this supported postpartum experience is not the case for many women today, which is why we want to help more mothers take charge of their postpartum experience and honor this sacred time with some preparation and planning.

This signature Course is for you if:

What Our Mamas Are Saying

"I am so glad I bought this postpartum workshop before having our daughter. It really helped me and my partner get prepared for the postpartum experience. We had so many easy delicious meals stocked in the freezer and my partner felt really confident in how to support me and our baby. I also LOVED the breastfeeding essentials and nutrition tips which were such a game changer for me!"

-grace s.

coming soon

Nourishing The New Mother Signature Course
