Thanksgiving can be tough for us gluten free people, mostly because so many of the traditional gluten free desserts are filled with flour! But just because holiday’s may take a little more effort to manage in a gluten free way, there is absolutely no reason for them to not be as delicious or enjoyable. One of my missions in life is to try and change this pre-conceived notion that people have about health conscious, or allergy friendly foods being less appetizing, because they absolutely do not need to be!
Since all of the recipes I make are gluten free and have been adapted to be more health conscious, my family has grown to understand that gluten free cooking can actually take amazing, it may have just taken a little while (or years…) to convince them. But now my Dad usually asks which one is the gluten free baked good, because he generally enjoys them better…unless we are talking about my Mom’s pie, that thing is filled with wheat flour and I have yet to come up with a gluten free recipe to rival it! If someone is reading this out there and has an amazing gluten free pie recipe send it on over!

But back to why you guys are here :) This holiday season I am hoping to share with you all some of my favorite go-to holiday recipes that can easily be incorporated into a holiday spread, that the gluten-free and non-gluten free guests will all enjoy equally. Nothing makes me happier than seeing my secret gluten-free dessert, or health conscious dinner dish devoured, but I am never really surprised. You want to know why? Because whole food ingredients, highlighted with delicious spices, and healthy oils are DELICIOUS and this gluten free apple crisp I am sharing with you today is no exception!
all about the clusters gluten free apple crisp
3 macintosh apples (peeled & diced)
2 granny smith apples (peeled & diced)
1 cup gluten free oats
1 cup gluten free oat flour
1 cup gluten free baking flour
4 tablespoons cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
6 tablespoons coconut oil
1/2 cup honey
5 medjool pitted dates
1/4 cup coconut sugar
1/2 tsp corn starch
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 tsp gluten free vanilla extract
Filling Directions:
Preheat oven to 350 F
Peel and chop apples into small cubes.
In a medium size bowl combine chopped apples, 2 tablespoons cinnamon, 1/2 tsp corn starch, 1 tablespoon coconut oil, and 1/4 cup coconut sugar
Mix until apples are evenly coated
Spray a 9×9 inch baking pan with coconut oil spray.
Place apple mixture in baking pan
Crumble Directions
Combine gluten free oats, gluten free oat flour, gluten free baking flour, 2 tablespoons cinnamon, 1/2 tsp sea salt, and 1 tsp nutmeg
Next chop and dice into small pieces the dates, and add to oat mixture.
Once combined, add 5 tablespoons of coconut oil (soft), 1 tsp vanilla extract, and 1/2 cup honey
Using a fork or pastry blender, blend ingredients until crumbles begin to form.
Cover apples with crumbled oat mixture and place in over for 25-30 minutes.
Note: If your dough seems a little too wet you can always add an additional 2 tablespoons of oat flour. Likewise if it seems to dry add an additional tablespoon of coconut oil.